Floriamed’s core values are built on the notion of patient advocacy. That is, they’re based on the simple act of caring for someone in need. But caring is just where the story begins. That’s because kindness and a caring heart, on their own, are not enough to make care beneficial. In other words, for proper patient advocacy, patients must benefit. And to provide such benefit, the quality of healthcare must be the central concern.
Therefore, our core values compel us to seek guidance from America’s leading experts in healthcare quality. These are the expert scientists and doctors of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). They point out that healthcare quality in American is not what it could be. Moreover, they offer a number of solutions that can improve healthcare now.
In addition, our core values have led us to nursing. One good reason for this is that nurses have always led the way as patient advocates. And not so oddly, we find that nursing ideals are central to the NAM’s guidance for improving healthcare quality. Clearly, nurses are a powerful resource in the effort to improve healthcare in America.
The articles listed below are about quality care and nursing. They show the many nuances of Floriamed’s core values. So in fact, these articles are really about our values. But ultimately, it’s the results that count. And in this case, the result must be better health that comes from better care.